Average Temperature for Each Season in Las Vegas

Planning your next trip to Vegas? Not sure when the best time to go is? Surprisingly to some, Las Vegas weather can actually change a fair amount between seasons. That means you can have a completely different experience if you go in January compared to if you go in June. So, that begs the question, when is the best time to go to Las Vegas? The answer will depend a lot on what you want from your trip. If you can’t stand the heat, going in the height of summer should probably be avoided. Below we’ll break down the average temperature for each season in Las Vegas.

What is the Temperature in Las Vegas During Summer?

Between June and August, Las Vegas gets hot. And we mean really hot. The truth is you won’t really appreciate the wonders of air conditioning until you visit Las Vegas in the Summer. In June, July and August, the average temperatures are 99°, 104°, and 102° respectively. It’s so hot you probably won’t be spending much time walking up and down the strip. But it’s a great time to lounge around the pool or sit inside a casino. In fact, it’s so hot a lot of the hotels will discount their prices due to the fall in demand. If you do want to head out, go in the early morning or in the evening. Then, and only then, you’ll find Vegas quite pleasant to walk around.

What is the Temperature in Las Vegas During Fall?

As soon as September hits, the summer weather starts to die off in Vegas. The average temperature falls from 102° in August to a hot but bearable 94° in September. In October it falls even further to a pleasant average of 81°. And November it verges on getting downright chilly with an average temperature of around 65°. After September is over, not only will the temperature fall, but the number of guests will fall too. This makes it one of the best times to visit Vegas.

What is the Temperature in Las Vegas During Winter

In December, January and February the average temperature rarely gets above 60°. This may be hot for some of the tourists coming in for the holiday season, but the locals don’t like it that much. There might not be anymore pool parties, but winter is still a very popular time to visit Vegas. Holiday parties are in abundance and the cool temperature makes it a great time to explore parts of the city that not many people see. If you’re planning to go in winter, make sure that you book well ahead of time.

What is the Temperature in Las Vegas During Spring

Spring will be the best time to visit Las Vegas for the majority of people. Between March and May the average temperature rises from 70° to 90°. What’s more, precipitation levels are at their lowest for the whole year. Don’t think all you’ll need is shorts and t-shirts, however. When the sun goes down the temperature drops too, so make sure to pack a few light layers. What’s more, you won’t be overrun by tourists at this time, either. You might even get a discount on a hotel, too!

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