All You Need To Know About The 20 Dollar Trick

If you’ve spent a lot of time reading about Las Vegas, you must have come across the phrase, “the 20 dollar trick” from time to time. Do you have any idea what the twenty dollar trick means? It’s actually quite simple- it is an unspoken tip.

When the front desk agent asks for your credit card and ID upon checking in, you simply insert a $20 bill between the cards and ask if they “have any complimentary upgrades available.” With the $20 tip, you expect that the desk agent will offer you a free room upgrade that would have worth more than twenty dollars.

(My friend Jason does this every time and has about an 80% success rate.)

Many people get really anxious when doing but it’s quite common in Vegas, and you have nothing to lose except for your twenty bucks. There are three possible outcomes- the desk agent will upgrade you, return the money if they can’t, or provide a premium upgrade at a certain discount. If you think that will only work in the lower-end hotels, then you’re wrong.

Who Created The $20 Trick?

No one really knows who originated this trick and how it became famous among guests to Vegas. Its earliest references can be traced back in 2006, but I bet that this trick has been going on before then.

Is It Worth A Try?

The 20 dollar trick doesn’t absolutely guarantee that you’ll get the upgrade that you want. But if you do, you’ll get some extra enjoyment and excitement for the trip. Who wouldn’t want a free room upgrade, right?

This could especially be beneficial if you’re traveling with a special friend because you’ll enjoy a more spacious room or get access to something that you usually can’t afford at a discounted price. So if you have $20 to spare, I say, go ahead and try the trick if you give much importance to where you sleep.

Can You Give More Than $20?

When trying this trick, some people try giving more than $20 especially if they’re staying at high-end hotels like Venetian, Wynn, and Bellagio. The more tips you give, the higher your chances of getting an upgrade. Let’s be real, it’s better to be generous if you have the money to back it up.

Is The $20 Trick Against The Work Policy?

This is somewhat ambiguous, but most hotels allow their front desk agents to receive tips from guests upon registration. Most properties even empower their agents to provide upgrades at their discretion as long as they’re available. That being said, front desk agents will be more than happy to process upgrades as long as they’re available so don’t feel like you’re doing an illegal action trying out the trick.

What Is The Rate Of Success?

As already mentioned above, the 20 dollar trick doesn’t work every time. The success of this trick depends on which hotel you’ll stay. Don’t worry too much if the front desk can’t help you get a free room upgrade because you’ll still get back your $20 anyway. The best case scenario is you’ll get a luxurious suite with the help of your $20 tip.

What Are The Upgrades That You Can Expect?

The upgrades may depend on the hotel where you’ll be staying. The least you can expect is to move to a higher floor if you book a standard room. Other possible upgrades would be a strip view or a mountain view. In some lucky cases, people have upgraded their standard room into a multiple bedrooms suites, provided free buffet passes, and nightclub access.

I’m usually comped at some of the larger properties like Wynn, Encore and any casino in the Mlife group.  I would think this trick would work extremely well at a Station Casino.

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