What Are the Largest Glaciers in the World?

Whether you developed a fascination from watching Ice Age, want to see some of the largest glaciers in the world in person, or simply want to improve your knowledge, you’ve come to the right place.

We have arranged the information below to help you learn logically. It starts by providing foundational information about glaciers, after which we will expose you to some of the largest ones in the world.

What Is a Glacier?

You can identify glacier ice because it happens to appear as a huge mass that will slowly move over land. Large amounts of snow collect over time, and this is a pretty long process. As they are known for their movement, glaciers tend to be called “moving rivers of ice.”

How Do Glaciers Form?

The whole process starts when snow gets the chance to accumulate enough to become glacial ice. Effectively, there will be new layers of snow each year that get buried, which means that the existing ones become compressed. This process forces snow to recrystallize, which will form grains that are not too far removed in size or shape from sugar.

These will slowly get larger, which means that any air pockets between them get smaller. Therefore, the snow compacts and becomes denser. Within a year, firn develops, which is an intermediate stage between snow, and the glacier ice that it will become.

As more time passes, the compression becomes so great that the air pockets are all but non-existent.

For those of you who want to see this in video form, here’s even more information.  

Defining the Concept of the World’s Largest Glacier

Largest Glaciers

We find that the question of the biggest glacier in the world gets several different responses, depending on who you decide to ask, and that’s because it is not as easy to define as you may initially be led to believe.

First, there needs to be a homogenized global glacier inventory. This means that relevant areas need to be studied. For example, you would expect that the polar regions are obvious shoe-ins.

For example, there was a systematic assessment of the definition completed by Windnagel et al., which was published in 2022. The information takes advantage of existing inventory data (RGI Consortium 2017, GLIMS & NSIDC 2005). This means that the points of focus were the Antarctic ice sheet and the Greenland ice sheet.

Below, we chose to make the focus as broad as possible, with the intention of giving you some interesting areas to learn about. Perhaps, you may even find yourself feeling compelled to pay them a visit.

The 10 Largest Glaciers in the World

Lambert Glacier

Easily the largest out there is the Lambert-Amery glacial system. You will find this one in Antarctica. It is so big that you can see it from space. Additionally, it is one of the few places on the planet where you can still find glacial activity. That makes it one of the first stops when collecting global land ice measurements.

Its area is estimated to be approximately 250 miles. If you want to visit, we recommend doing so during the summer, since you will be able to get on a boat ride that takes you all the way to the face of the colossal attraction.

This behemoth is about 16% of East Antarctica. Additionally, the land under sections of the West Antarctic ice sheet measures up to 1.6 miles below sea level.

Seller Glacier

Another massive system of note is the Seller Glacier, which to no one’s surprise, is also found in Antarctica. More specifically, you can find this one on the Antarctic Peninsula. To put it into perspective, the glacier is slightly bigger than Crete (the Greek Island) or the entire state of Delaware.

Hubbard Glacier

This glacier can be found in Alaska, and it happens to be one of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the area. It is the largest tidewater glacier in North America, as its area is an astonishing 75 miles.

Additionally, it is one of the most unique that you will find. Despite global warming causing most others to start thinning, this glacier is somehow advancing.

Boat cruises can be taken to this wonder of the world, and they allow you to get incredibly close. In fact, you can get so close that you can hear the “galloping glacier” (yes, that is its nickname) calve.

Daily, tons of ice are calving off and crashing into the sea, which causes gigantic waves that make for a great show.

Wildlife, such as walruses, seals, polar bears, and more may be found here. Regardless of the way you choose to experience this glacier, it will most certainly leave some kind of impression on you.

Fedchenko Glacier

Not all of the world’s largest glaciers are found in polar zones. This is a very good example, as it has the title of the largest non-polar one in the world. Instead, you can find it in Tajikistan. Its area is about 48 miles, and during any visit to the Karakoram Mountain Range, it will provide one of the most awe-inspiring stops on your sightseeing tour.

To be more specific, it sits on the border of Afghanistan and Tajikistan. There are several activities that visitors to the massive glacier can take part in, and these include camping, horseback riding, hiking, and mountain biking. If you want to capitalize on the services of a local expert, we recommend the guided tours available.

You will also find beautiful lakes in the area, which can all be experienced from the comfort of a boat. Note that there are meteorological stations that have been set up here over the years, which makes it an ice data center of sorts.

Siachen Glacier

The next entrant on the list is also in a non-polar region, as it is located between Pakistan and India. This glacier is known for its weather, which is nothing short of extreme. Being on this list means it is one of the biggest in the world. The area is 47 miles, and it happens to be the longest glacier in Karakoram. As far as non-polar structures go, it is the second largest the globe has to offer.

Hiking to it is no easy feat, as doing so is characterized by a laundry list of paperwork. The problem is that its location makes it the subject of a power struggle between the Pakistani and Indian governments. No one wants to get caught up in that when they are simply trying to visit an impressive landmark. We are not even interested in doing that, which says a lot.

The Indian Times describes the Siachen Glacier as the deadliest, most expensive, and highest battlefield. Sadly, it is melting at a shocking rate.

Biafo Glacier

The Biafo Glacier is seen as the little brother of the Fedchenk one, which means that it also happens to be located in the Karakoram Mountain Range. Thankfully, there is no power struggle here, and that is because this one is definitively located in Pakistan.

Its area is an impressive 42 miles, and it is characterized by the meltwater that flows into the Indus River. Bear in mind that this is the most important river in all of India. At the Biafo Glacier’s head is Snow Lakes, which is a trekking goldmine, considering the vast expanse of snow that is present.

Be that as it may, the experience will be an incredibly difficult one, which means that you want to plan as best as possible in advance before the time comes to take on the adventure. However, if you are a trekking enthusiast, it is all but a rite of passage. You may come across wildlife, such as snow leopards, Himalayan brown bears, and Markhor Mountain goats.

Bruggen Glacier

You will find this huge glacier in Southern Chile. It measures an astonishing 41 miles. The structure is also known as Pio XI, and it happens to be a sprinter that advances for about 3.1 miles, cutting off Lake Greve from the sea.

There are some incredible colors to behold as you visit this glacier, and the best way to do so is on a cruise ship. Expect to see hues of blue and pink, and prepare to be enthralled as you do so.

The blue ice, in particular, is stunningly beautiful. Wildlife is present here, which includes seals, whales, and penguins.

Tourists who want to delight in the beauty of the glacier tend to visit. Of course, it is also a great place for those who simply want to learn more about it. Bear in mind though that it is a critical scientific research area. Therefore, many researchers from around the world visit the area to learn more about climate change.

Baltoro Glacier

Here is yet another entry that is located in Pakistan. Its area is about 39 miles, and it is found in the Gilgit-Baltistan region. Note that this is where you will find the Shigar River headwaters.

K2 is the second-highest peak in the world. Visiting its base camp requires traversal up the Baltoro Glacier’s rocky trail. However, the reward is well worth it, since you will then get to experience a breathtaking visual.

You will also find Gasherbrum I and II, as well as Broad Peak at the head of the Baltoro Glacier.

South Inylchek Glacier

If the locations were getting repetitive, you will love this one, as it’s found between China and Kyrgyzstan. More specially, you will find it in the Issyk-Kul region in the Tian Shan mountains.

The glacier has a 37-mile area and is the sixth-longest non-polar glacier in the world. If you’re interested in trekking, you may find this one difficult, but fixed camps are present along the trail, which makes the journey much more bearable.

For obvious reasons, this is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. People from all over the world pour in to see how massive the glacier is. It’s also a beautiful sight to behold. Additionally, this is one of the most unusually shaped glaciers we have ever seen.

Typically, these structures will have smooth surfaces and they are also curved. Instead, the South Inylchek Glacier is characterized by valleys and sharp ridges.

Jostedal Glacier

The final entrant to gain a spot is the Jostedal Glacier, one of the largest glaciers in Europe. It measures 37 miles, and it is one of the few structures of its type in Norway that can be climbed. You can specifically find it in Sogn og Fjordane.

There are high snowfall rates in the region, which is what keeps the glacier in place. Note that you have a very long trek to look forward to before you can enter this paradise. Doing that was no bother for us, but considering the rough terrain, it is only fair that you get a warning.

Bear in mind that you can get guided glacier tours in Jostedal, and for most people, we would recommend going that route.

Notable Unnamed Glaciers

So far, we have been introducing you to glaciers around the world that have distinct names, but this is not the case for all of them. As you know, some of the largest ones are in Antarctica, such as the Seller Glacier. However, some of its unnamed counterparts are quite impressive.

Alexander Island Glacier No. 1

Alexander Island Glacier No. 1 is another of the big ones we were able to dig up in the area. A measurement of 1,840 square miles makes it quite the structure.

Thurston Island Glacier No. 1

Another of the unnamed legends is Thurston Island Glacier No. 1. Do you notice a theme here? While these structures may not have unique names, they are identified by their locations. In any case, this one is slightly larger than the previous entry, coming in at an outstanding 2,031 square miles.

What Do You Think of the Largest Glacier in the World?

If you’re anything like us, glaciers are some of the most impressive wonders on the planet. Today, we covered what seems like a lot, but there are many others for you to delight in, such as Wykeham Glacier South in the Canadian Arctic.

It is simply impressive how they sometimes tend to have such unique features. Don’t even get us started on the sheer beauty of these wonders. Whether you want to enjoy some trekking or tackle a challenging mountain route, there is something on our list for everyone.

Of course, if you are the type who wants to be guided through the amazing experience, be sure to take advantage of guided tours whenever you can!

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Tim Schmidt is a 20+ year Entrepreneur and Digital Marketer. A Fort Lauderdale-based "Digital Nomad," he enjoys traveling as much as possible with family and friends. AllWorld is his escape to document all of his adventures, including being a hardcore "foodie." He has property in Costa Rica and visits several times each year and is happy to offer his expert advice for planning your trip. Make sure to download the AllWorld Travel Hacks FREE ebook.

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