Bars often have many forms of entertainment, such as darts, pool, karaoke, and the jukeboxes mounted on the walls. There are various activities you can enjoy.
However, if you’re in the Midwest, you may encounter a little entertainment option called pull tabs. They aren’t focused solely on the Great Lakes and have been around for many decades.
What are pull tabs? Overall, they started as a tool for fundraising, and they’re similar to lottery games you play.
A Deeper Look Into Pull Tabs
Typically, pull tabs are cards with perforated parts that open to the side to reveal symbols, numbers, or letters. You match the characters in specific configurations to win a prize.
The NAFTM (National Association of Fundraising Ticket Manufacturers) claims that pull tabs are called different things, such as pickle cards, lucky seven, jar tickets, charity game cards, and break-open tickets.
They’re also found throughout the United States and even in Canada. However, Midwesterners have a certain attachment to them.
Ultimately, the NAFTM claims that Minnesota is the most popular place to find pull-tab players. According to its 2019 report, people wagered almost $2 billion by buying those cards just in that one state. In fact, it’s one of the things Minnesota is known for.
Wisconsin Catches Up
Did you know that Wisconsin also sells pull tabs? Dayton Young is the co-owner, CEO, and president of Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps. He and his company bring pickle cards to various venues within the state, including bars and taverns. Plus, they’re quite popular at the Wisconsin State Fair.
When Young’s grandfather started selling pull tabs, he dealt with legal battles. Wisconsin has stricter rules about gambling than other states. There was some confusion about whether or not you can pay for the cards and win a prize.
To get around the issue, Young’s company now offers collectible pop-out caps, which are similar to pogs. Overall, this made it legal to sell the pull tabs. Plus, you don’t have to pay money to play the game, the odds of winning are clearly labeled, and the tickets get randomly distributed.
Final Thoughts
You may have played pull tabs without knowing it. Think back to a time when you had a lotto-style ticket. Did it have a piece you slid or moved to the side? If the answer is yes, you’ve played the popular Midwestern game!